I finally got around to making the Batman x Dream Phone mashup all the kids have been clamoring for. If you missed out on Dream Phone, it was a 1991 board game where you try to figure out which handsome teenage hunk really likes you. Fun times.
8.5x11 inches, 2023

Do you desire erotic fantasies? We can help! Open Destiny’s Door, feel the pleasures of pain, Works every time when you use ritual, potion, & black magic (*if directions followed exactly!). Satisfy your fetish, first come first served. Witches - Demons - The Undead.
8.5x11 inches, 2023

Collage made for the cover of my 2023 zine “Class of 1989.” 8.5 x 14.375 inches (approx).

What prevents you from becoming psychically dangerous? Open your mind. 8.5x11 inches, 2023.

in a haze of my inner mystery
adroit fingers take control…
unplugging our minds from
secretive machinations
8.5x11 inches, 2023.

Remixing the Cigarette Smoking Demon from “Unduplicated,” who was alleged to have tragically burned in a fire last year. New and improved. 8.5x11 inches, 2023.

Julie Bananabain mixed media collage on 1991 “Firehouse” trading card (yes, the band). 2.5x3.5 inches (approx). 2023.

A cool cat. This collage was inspired by everyone’s favorite ‘90s toys, Savage Mondo Blitzers. The name is a play on Steve Caballero. 7x9 inches, matted and framed at 8x10 inches. 2023.

A darker version of the Nekomancer set I made last year. Black paper, more sinister-looking eyes. Blacklight reactive paper. 7x9 inches, matted and framed at 8x10 inches. 2023.

A pizza elemental… we are considering pizza to be a naturally occurring element. And it is a cat. This is part of a string of cat collages I did in the first quarter of 2023. 7x9 inches, matted and frame at 8x10 inches. 2023.

I wanted to give the Envoy of the Eldritch Pizza Gods their own space to exist in. It is half ad, half pizza box. Mixed media collage. 8x8 inches. 2023.

Just like last year, I was asked to create the cover of the newest issue of Bruce Lee Review. I had 4 prompts: Bruce, Han, Pea Soup, and a Pigeon.

Variant of the collage I made for the Faculty Portrait Show at the UCM Art Gallery. This is actually the original version, but the faculty preferred the other, where Mark is a centaur, merged with the printing press. I prefer this one- Mark is a fan of He-Man, and I wanted to capture that in his portrait.

Cover illustration for G Arthur Brown’s Stories to Make You Puke Your Pants, released by Planet Bizarro Press (2022).

The muscle of the Secret Street Punks, Tony Galoosh.

The first of the Secret Street Punks, Julie Bananabain.

A small collage I made of TJ Hanscum’s character, Buttman, only he is skeezy. Collage (approx. 40 pieces), pencil, pen, ink, and adhesives on 7x9 inch paper.

Illustration I did for the cover of Bruce Lee Review #10, which features an article about Bruce Lee and drug use, as well as one about a Green Hornet marathon.
The image size is A6, though it did not end up that way on the actual cover. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can check out Bruce Lee Review HERE, or on Instagram @bruceleereview

This was made for the first prompt of “Februllage,” which was “cat.” I don’t normally participate in prompts, because they activate my contrary nature, but I managed to persevere this time. From concept to completion, I got this one done in a day.
Cut paper collage on Stonehenge paper, 6.25x8 inches.

I didn’t pull any characters directly from the show, but this is, perhaps, a fun little reference to the late great TV series Lodge 49. Lasting only two seasons, it quickly became a favorite of mine- unfortunately it was canceled halfway through the story, so we’re left with a lot of unanswered questions. Would the Willow Street Knife Boys have showed up in a future season? Maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to see them in a revival.
6x8 inch Mixed Media Collage on Stonehenge Paper, 2021

Illustration made for Excuse Me Magazine #6

It's late a night, later than you want it to be, but you can't sleep. The air is vibrating- is this excitement, or anxiety? Then, there's a tapping on your wall. Someone knocking outside of your house.
The tapping occurs again, this time from the front of your house, followed by the soft sound of glass crunching, and a gentle, but unnerving "oh ho ho..." Slowly, you open the front door. The bulb of your porch light glistens slightly from the pavement, and what you can only describe as the sound of joints popping mixed with jelly being squeezed draws your attention further into the night...
Mouseman emerges from the shadows, swaying from side to side, while moving forward, like some horrible, advancing crab, multiple eyes fixed on you, hands waving wildly- a parody of a greeting. This mouse wants in your house. Give him your cheese.

Fred is having a no-slumber party in the basement with his best phone friend. They spend a large chunk of the night daring each other to call the YOUR DEMON LOVER hotline.

A Young Adult Bio-Hacked Martial Arts Amphibian hangs around in the sewers with his Pizza Pal. He likes pizza a lot, but that is not unusual- pizza is pretty popular.

Vintage magazine ad for the 1984 Evil Ninja Summer Training Camp. These training camps started in 1981 and ran through 1994. They were sponsored by the Kagemusha Dojo Academy. If you're not familiar with the KDA, they are basically like Hogwarts for "evil" ninja. Although they have been around for 500 years (allegedly), they only gained mainstream popularity in the late '70s, and they were pretty instrumental in driving the ninja craze that swept North America. It was an amazing time to be a gi and nunchucks vendor.
The 1984 training camp was an especially memorable one, apparently- it was rare to get personal instruction from Dr. Sandel Handleson, Sensei "Rudy" Dale, Adept Vic Wriggler, and Major Dick Pickler all at once, and within such a short period of time.
11x13.75 inches, 2021

Vintage ad for the "YOUR DEMON LOVER" phone sex line. I want to say it is from 1988 or 1989, but the use of an 800 number rather than a 900 number may place it in the early '90s. Keep in mind, I am not a phone sex line historian, and this is just an armchair guess- but I have not been able to track down any further information on the company, and without the last four digits of the number, I cannot verify whether or not it is still functional.
Hot and horny barely legal demons were standing by.
11x13.75 inches

Baby DonJohn needs his wall. Not because he really cares about it, but he’s got this baffling cult of personailty, and he’ll say whatever his rabid fans want him to say- because he’ll make MONEY.

My third “Summoner” illustration. The series features a magician using their power or a ritual to summon some variety of demon. In this case, a powerful magician summons a massive devil baby, while she herself is protected by a magical barrier.
The text reads:

King Donjohn hits the links in his favorite DILF shirt while the world burns. We won’t be done with this guy for a while, but things will hopefully start to wind down for a bit pretty soon.

King Donjohn is a conman and a thief who is enriching himself on our tax dollars while simultaneously taking credit for Obama’s successes and blaming Obama for his his own massive shortcomings. You don’t have to like Obama, but not liking Obama doesn’t somehow make this guy great. He sucks.

This is an ad for possible services provided by a possible organization, targeted at possible people with possible prospects. If there is a possibility that you know what this may possibly refer to, then you could possibly be a possible client. Contact the number that is not included for more information.

If we find a carrot, will we know what to do with it? This is the second of three carrot-based illustrations I made when I had nothing else to do. 2018

This is Burger Boy. Mail in the attached form for a free trial. In 2-4 weeks, a Burger Boy will sneak into your home at night and eat your burgers! Be sure to leave burgers in your home, or the Burger Boy will be forced to make his own… from whatever suitable ingredients can be found in your home.

Another Memento Mori. Pizza, Cats, Demons, and Memento Mori seem to be recurring themes in my work.

Another disgusting head for the pile. This is part of a series of larger heads I made in early-mid 2021. The heads I construct are usually only a few inches, but these are a bit larger, made to use in 11x14 collages.

The king will remember what he was looking for when he finds it. I had a whole story in mind for this character, a dying king in the depths of his memories, trying to maintain power, sifting through an endless expanse of boxes in which the labels were becoming increasingly muddled… BUT I was out on a walk when I wrote it, mentally- ironically, I don’t remember all of the details.

Is your children safe from mind control? The world is full of psi-phantoms, psychokinetic boogeymen, and telekinetic reptilians. Develop psychic self defense! Look into at-home courses.
Satanic Panic-inspired illustration

I was fortunate enough to find an old copy of Psychic Creeps Magazine today. Fall 1988 issue. You don't have to be a psychic creep to enjoy the magazine- it's clearly from a bygone era, and can be a pretty fun read. Some of the tips and tricks can be helpful, too, in warding off modern creeps, protecting yourself against reptilian influence, and honing psychic skills.
Unfortunately, issues can be a little hard to track down. I've only ever seen 3 in thrift shops, and they're usually too expensive and beat-up to justify the cost. This one is in pretty good shape, though.
It's not one of the more legendary issues, but still a solid find.

Where-ever there is a distant horizon to look to, you will find Captain and Boy. Captain and Boy are legendary old-timey adventurers. Books, radio plays, talkies… famous phantoms of the past.

This is 1 Hundo Percent Buttafuoco Tank. This is an image it took me a long time to get around to making, but late-post-pandemic seemed to be the holy moment.

Last of the Eldritch Pizza Gods is Mjazzaklugh-Jlagnu'timb. Timb for short, because I don't usually remember how to spell their name.
In their mythology, Timb is cosmically the youngest, but chronologically the second youngest deity, due to an alteration to the timeline (involving Uncle Bananas), and is known as the "screaming inhabitant of the unnamed star."
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).

Big Daddy Bojo is the fifth Eldritch Pizza God, and the only one to have multiple mouths (at least on his face). Physically, the largest of the pantheon, he is known to grant any desire, but those who serve him ultimately end up as toppings on his galaxy-sized pizzas.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).

Working on the previous two deities in close proximity, I got a little burned out, and was slower to get the fourth Eldritch Pizza God completed- Johnny Meatbulb. He is one of those entities that promises power and immortality, but just turns you into a mindless, undying servant.
Having committed to a second trinity, here, I knew I had to make 2 more gods. I like to work on projects I can get done quickly, but these were the opposite of that. Still, I slowly pushed on...
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).

I had momentum after Mrs. Cheese Mouse, and started the third Eldritch Pizza God right away. Crummy old Uncle Bananas, a former truck driver, 2-term president of the USA (in the future), and the only magical adept to ascend to godhood, where he joined the ranks of the pizza-hungry pantheon. He now permeates all of space and time.
Like Mrs. Cheese Mouse, these are a lot of little pieces. The process involves a scalpel, small scissors, a small brush, and a skinny set of tweezers. This has to be dried with a blow dryer and placed into a press frequently to keep it as flat as possible.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).

I decided to continue the Eldritch Pizza God series with Mrs. Cheese Mouse, eternal consort of Cheese Mouse and flayer of minds. Personally, my favorite. The pieces were tiny, and difficult to work with- some of them only millimeters wide, but I had momentum at this point, and decided that I should make at least one more, if not 6 in all. Summer hadn't even started, and things were still locked down, so there wasn't much of an excuse not to.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).

I don't normally re-post old work, but I'm revisiting the Eldritch Pizza God series, since I made them when the pandemic started having an effect on things, and I never really got to do much with them. I had had the idea for a while, and it typically takes me too long to finally tackle an idea, but since it looked like things were going to be shut down for the next two weeks (quaint!), it seemed like a good time to just get it done. This is the first of the 6 gods, Cheese Mouse.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).

King DonJohn is small, petty lizard who wishes to be a big man- but even the real Reptilians would not consider him to be an equal. He’s a petty and sociopathic phony. I didn’t really want CLIN-ton in power, but this guy was not a good alternative.

A Mitzi Mozzarella collage made from scraps of the Eldritch Pizza God series, and just in time for Covid to afflict the king.

He may have completed a number of nefarious “miracles” while in office, but in an ideal world, he will not be able to bring his presidency back from the dead. A final King Donjohn illustration for what is hopefully the end of this absurd reign.

An encounter with a strange head in the Southern Hanging Woods. Based on a dream I had a while back. I made this as a “thank you” gift for John F Malta.
Ink and collage on paper, 6x8 inches.

A guitar-wielding psychopomp. Psychopomps are beings who guide souls after death.What better way that with a sick fucking supernatural guitar?
11x14 mixed media collage on paper

This is a Memento Mori.
It was in the show SUBTERRANEAN SIDEWALKS (also featuring TJ Hanscum) in KCMO, 2019
Memento is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches.

Titan (red) is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches. A dark titan appears to smash our dreams and all that we have built.

Work in an office and earn money.

Psi Lessons mk II is a mixed media collage based on old magazine ads I found while hunting for collage materials. It features a powerful blue psychonaut, presumably a graduate of this simple, at home psychokinetic training course. Graduates will learn to solve sex problems, hypnotize birds, and melt minds- among other things, I suppose.

You Don't Know Where I've Been is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches. If you are not careful, or if you are unlucky, you may end up in dark and strange places.

The day of reckoning will come! Papa John has finally consumed enough pizza through occult rituals to become a demon.
Papamet II is a mixed media collage, based on the Éliphas Lévi depiction of Baphomet. It is a more colorful version of the previous Papamet, hand-colored with acrylic inks. This is original art, made with cut paper- it is not a print. It is approximately 6.38 x 8.25 inches on 250 gsm stonehenge paper, and has a deckle edge.

This is a power animal, for people who want a strong power animal. Skills are mostly PHYS boosts and buffs.
It was in the show SUBTERRANEAN SIDEWALKS, KCMO, 2019
Mixed media collage, 6x8 inches on 250 gsm Stonehenge paper.

Mixed media collage, compiled digitally, 2019

Originally conceived as a green demon, this one went through some modifications, but I kept the name. Part of a triptych of demons I created in 2019.

Part of the so-called “bro” series, as they were dubbed by artist Jeremy Boatright. Each bro is surrounded by the things that interest or represent them. 2019

Designed as a poster, and primarily a reminder to myself- It’s important to do the work. I need constant reminders. The “sketch” for this one was just a red triangle in a blue field. Collage is fun like that. This won in Creative Quarterly no. 56 (illustration). 2019

A favorite of mine, handsome boy walks his dog on a nice day. This one will be published in Creative Quarterly #53, early 2019.
This is the ORIGINAL handsome boy.

Trump rolls out the red carpet/his tie for his BFF, Putin. I appreciate governance by trolling, but on this scale, it’s to the detriment of things going “ok” in the world. Admittedly, I am tired of this sack of shit, he’s a con man. 2019.

A Zardoz illustration. Zardoz is a 1974 John Boorman movie starring Sean Connery. A famous “bad movie.” Not one I’d necessarily recommend, though.

I can’t believe they asked me to design the poster, this was a rad experience :D

Part of the so-called “bro” series, as they were dubbed by artist Jeremy Boatright. Each bro is surrounded by the things that interest or represent them. 2019

Thank Satan It’s Friday

A necromancer summons spirits to feed his dark god.

Mock cover made for the Penguin Classics book Life is a Dream, 2017.
Honorable mention winner, 3x3 International no. 14

Censorship Illustration, 2018

Away from the monsters, I spend the night thinking about whispers.

I have been wandering back to a place of strange spirits.

I'll fill in the other eye when he's disgraced, penniless, and in jail.

Trump Ghoul, 2018

Sleep deprivation is no good. 2018

Riffing on Trump on a Sunday afternoon, 2018

Those who forego their humanity are little more than monsters, 2018

Editorial illustration based on a NY Times article about Trump and his feud with the courts, 2017.
Honorable Mention, 3x3 International no. 14

2 page spread made for Shortstack #1: Origins, 2017. The witch summons a demon, and the pact is made.

I finally got around to making the Batman x Dream Phone mashup all the kids have been clamoring for. If you missed out on Dream Phone, it was a 1991 board game where you try to figure out which handsome teenage hunk really likes you. Fun times.
8.5x11 inches, 2023
Do you desire erotic fantasies? We can help! Open Destiny’s Door, feel the pleasures of pain, Works every time when you use ritual, potion, & black magic (*if directions followed exactly!). Satisfy your fetish, first come first served. Witches - Demons - The Undead.
8.5x11 inches, 2023
Collage made for the cover of my 2023 zine “Class of 1989.” 8.5 x 14.375 inches (approx).
What prevents you from becoming psychically dangerous? Open your mind. 8.5x11 inches, 2023.
in a haze of my inner mystery
adroit fingers take control…
unplugging our minds from
secretive machinations
8.5x11 inches, 2023.
Remixing the Cigarette Smoking Demon from “Unduplicated,” who was alleged to have tragically burned in a fire last year. New and improved. 8.5x11 inches, 2023.
Julie Bananabain mixed media collage on 1991 “Firehouse” trading card (yes, the band). 2.5x3.5 inches (approx). 2023.
A cool cat. This collage was inspired by everyone’s favorite ‘90s toys, Savage Mondo Blitzers. The name is a play on Steve Caballero. 7x9 inches, matted and framed at 8x10 inches. 2023.
A darker version of the Nekomancer set I made last year. Black paper, more sinister-looking eyes. Blacklight reactive paper. 7x9 inches, matted and framed at 8x10 inches. 2023.
A pizza elemental… we are considering pizza to be a naturally occurring element. And it is a cat. This is part of a string of cat collages I did in the first quarter of 2023. 7x9 inches, matted and frame at 8x10 inches. 2023.
I wanted to give the Envoy of the Eldritch Pizza Gods their own space to exist in. It is half ad, half pizza box. Mixed media collage. 8x8 inches. 2023.
Just like last year, I was asked to create the cover of the newest issue of Bruce Lee Review. I had 4 prompts: Bruce, Han, Pea Soup, and a Pigeon.
Variant of the collage I made for the Faculty Portrait Show at the UCM Art Gallery. This is actually the original version, but the faculty preferred the other, where Mark is a centaur, merged with the printing press. I prefer this one- Mark is a fan of He-Man, and I wanted to capture that in his portrait.
Cover illustration for G Arthur Brown’s Stories to Make You Puke Your Pants, released by Planet Bizarro Press (2022).
The muscle of the Secret Street Punks, Tony Galoosh.
The first of the Secret Street Punks, Julie Bananabain.
A small collage I made of TJ Hanscum’s character, Buttman, only he is skeezy. Collage (approx. 40 pieces), pencil, pen, ink, and adhesives on 7x9 inch paper.
Illustration I did for the cover of Bruce Lee Review #10, which features an article about Bruce Lee and drug use, as well as one about a Green Hornet marathon.
The image size is A6, though it did not end up that way on the actual cover. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can check out Bruce Lee Review HERE, or on Instagram @bruceleereview
This was made for the first prompt of “Februllage,” which was “cat.” I don’t normally participate in prompts, because they activate my contrary nature, but I managed to persevere this time. From concept to completion, I got this one done in a day.
Cut paper collage on Stonehenge paper, 6.25x8 inches.
I didn’t pull any characters directly from the show, but this is, perhaps, a fun little reference to the late great TV series Lodge 49. Lasting only two seasons, it quickly became a favorite of mine- unfortunately it was canceled halfway through the story, so we’re left with a lot of unanswered questions. Would the Willow Street Knife Boys have showed up in a future season? Maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to see them in a revival.
6x8 inch Mixed Media Collage on Stonehenge Paper, 2021
Illustration made for Excuse Me Magazine #6
It's late a night, later than you want it to be, but you can't sleep. The air is vibrating- is this excitement, or anxiety? Then, there's a tapping on your wall. Someone knocking outside of your house.
The tapping occurs again, this time from the front of your house, followed by the soft sound of glass crunching, and a gentle, but unnerving "oh ho ho..." Slowly, you open the front door. The bulb of your porch light glistens slightly from the pavement, and what you can only describe as the sound of joints popping mixed with jelly being squeezed draws your attention further into the night...
Mouseman emerges from the shadows, swaying from side to side, while moving forward, like some horrible, advancing crab, multiple eyes fixed on you, hands waving wildly- a parody of a greeting. This mouse wants in your house. Give him your cheese.
Fred is having a no-slumber party in the basement with his best phone friend. They spend a large chunk of the night daring each other to call the YOUR DEMON LOVER hotline.
A Young Adult Bio-Hacked Martial Arts Amphibian hangs around in the sewers with his Pizza Pal. He likes pizza a lot, but that is not unusual- pizza is pretty popular.
Vintage magazine ad for the 1984 Evil Ninja Summer Training Camp. These training camps started in 1981 and ran through 1994. They were sponsored by the Kagemusha Dojo Academy. If you're not familiar with the KDA, they are basically like Hogwarts for "evil" ninja. Although they have been around for 500 years (allegedly), they only gained mainstream popularity in the late '70s, and they were pretty instrumental in driving the ninja craze that swept North America. It was an amazing time to be a gi and nunchucks vendor.
The 1984 training camp was an especially memorable one, apparently- it was rare to get personal instruction from Dr. Sandel Handleson, Sensei "Rudy" Dale, Adept Vic Wriggler, and Major Dick Pickler all at once, and within such a short period of time.
11x13.75 inches, 2021
Vintage ad for the "YOUR DEMON LOVER" phone sex line. I want to say it is from 1988 or 1989, but the use of an 800 number rather than a 900 number may place it in the early '90s. Keep in mind, I am not a phone sex line historian, and this is just an armchair guess- but I have not been able to track down any further information on the company, and without the last four digits of the number, I cannot verify whether or not it is still functional.
Hot and horny barely legal demons were standing by.
11x13.75 inches
Baby DonJohn needs his wall. Not because he really cares about it, but he’s got this baffling cult of personailty, and he’ll say whatever his rabid fans want him to say- because he’ll make MONEY.
My third “Summoner” illustration. The series features a magician using their power or a ritual to summon some variety of demon. In this case, a powerful magician summons a massive devil baby, while she herself is protected by a magical barrier.
The text reads:
King Donjohn hits the links in his favorite DILF shirt while the world burns. We won’t be done with this guy for a while, but things will hopefully start to wind down for a bit pretty soon.
King Donjohn is a conman and a thief who is enriching himself on our tax dollars while simultaneously taking credit for Obama’s successes and blaming Obama for his his own massive shortcomings. You don’t have to like Obama, but not liking Obama doesn’t somehow make this guy great. He sucks.
This is an ad for possible services provided by a possible organization, targeted at possible people with possible prospects. If there is a possibility that you know what this may possibly refer to, then you could possibly be a possible client. Contact the number that is not included for more information.
If we find a carrot, will we know what to do with it? This is the second of three carrot-based illustrations I made when I had nothing else to do. 2018
This is Burger Boy. Mail in the attached form for a free trial. In 2-4 weeks, a Burger Boy will sneak into your home at night and eat your burgers! Be sure to leave burgers in your home, or the Burger Boy will be forced to make his own… from whatever suitable ingredients can be found in your home.
Another Memento Mori. Pizza, Cats, Demons, and Memento Mori seem to be recurring themes in my work.
Another disgusting head for the pile. This is part of a series of larger heads I made in early-mid 2021. The heads I construct are usually only a few inches, but these are a bit larger, made to use in 11x14 collages.
The king will remember what he was looking for when he finds it. I had a whole story in mind for this character, a dying king in the depths of his memories, trying to maintain power, sifting through an endless expanse of boxes in which the labels were becoming increasingly muddled… BUT I was out on a walk when I wrote it, mentally- ironically, I don’t remember all of the details.
Is your children safe from mind control? The world is full of psi-phantoms, psychokinetic boogeymen, and telekinetic reptilians. Develop psychic self defense! Look into at-home courses.
Satanic Panic-inspired illustration
I was fortunate enough to find an old copy of Psychic Creeps Magazine today. Fall 1988 issue. You don't have to be a psychic creep to enjoy the magazine- it's clearly from a bygone era, and can be a pretty fun read. Some of the tips and tricks can be helpful, too, in warding off modern creeps, protecting yourself against reptilian influence, and honing psychic skills.
Unfortunately, issues can be a little hard to track down. I've only ever seen 3 in thrift shops, and they're usually too expensive and beat-up to justify the cost. This one is in pretty good shape, though.
It's not one of the more legendary issues, but still a solid find.
Where-ever there is a distant horizon to look to, you will find Captain and Boy. Captain and Boy are legendary old-timey adventurers. Books, radio plays, talkies… famous phantoms of the past.
This is 1 Hundo Percent Buttafuoco Tank. This is an image it took me a long time to get around to making, but late-post-pandemic seemed to be the holy moment.
Last of the Eldritch Pizza Gods is Mjazzaklugh-Jlagnu'timb. Timb for short, because I don't usually remember how to spell their name.
In their mythology, Timb is cosmically the youngest, but chronologically the second youngest deity, due to an alteration to the timeline (involving Uncle Bananas), and is known as the "screaming inhabitant of the unnamed star."
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).
Big Daddy Bojo is the fifth Eldritch Pizza God, and the only one to have multiple mouths (at least on his face). Physically, the largest of the pantheon, he is known to grant any desire, but those who serve him ultimately end up as toppings on his galaxy-sized pizzas.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).
Working on the previous two deities in close proximity, I got a little burned out, and was slower to get the fourth Eldritch Pizza God completed- Johnny Meatbulb. He is one of those entities that promises power and immortality, but just turns you into a mindless, undying servant.
Having committed to a second trinity, here, I knew I had to make 2 more gods. I like to work on projects I can get done quickly, but these were the opposite of that. Still, I slowly pushed on...
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.25 x 8.37 inches (approx).
I had momentum after Mrs. Cheese Mouse, and started the third Eldritch Pizza God right away. Crummy old Uncle Bananas, a former truck driver, 2-term president of the USA (in the future), and the only magical adept to ascend to godhood, where he joined the ranks of the pizza-hungry pantheon. He now permeates all of space and time.
Like Mrs. Cheese Mouse, these are a lot of little pieces. The process involves a scalpel, small scissors, a small brush, and a skinny set of tweezers. This has to be dried with a blow dryer and placed into a press frequently to keep it as flat as possible.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).
I decided to continue the Eldritch Pizza God series with Mrs. Cheese Mouse, eternal consort of Cheese Mouse and flayer of minds. Personally, my favorite. The pieces were tiny, and difficult to work with- some of them only millimeters wide, but I had momentum at this point, and decided that I should make at least one more, if not 6 in all. Summer hadn't even started, and things were still locked down, so there wasn't much of an excuse not to.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).
I don't normally re-post old work, but I'm revisiting the Eldritch Pizza God series, since I made them when the pandemic started having an effect on things, and I never really got to do much with them. I had had the idea for a while, and it typically takes me too long to finally tackle an idea, but since it looked like things were going to be shut down for the next two weeks (quaint!), it seemed like a good time to just get it done. This is the first of the 6 gods, Cheese Mouse.
This is an 11x14 colorized scan of a cut paper collage on cardstock, 6.5 x 8.25 inches (approx).
King DonJohn is small, petty lizard who wishes to be a big man- but even the real Reptilians would not consider him to be an equal. He’s a petty and sociopathic phony. I didn’t really want CLIN-ton in power, but this guy was not a good alternative.
A Mitzi Mozzarella collage made from scraps of the Eldritch Pizza God series, and just in time for Covid to afflict the king.
He may have completed a number of nefarious “miracles” while in office, but in an ideal world, he will not be able to bring his presidency back from the dead. A final King Donjohn illustration for what is hopefully the end of this absurd reign.
An encounter with a strange head in the Southern Hanging Woods. Based on a dream I had a while back. I made this as a “thank you” gift for John F Malta.
Ink and collage on paper, 6x8 inches.
A guitar-wielding psychopomp. Psychopomps are beings who guide souls after death.What better way that with a sick fucking supernatural guitar?
11x14 mixed media collage on paper
This is a Memento Mori.
It was in the show SUBTERRANEAN SIDEWALKS (also featuring TJ Hanscum) in KCMO, 2019
Memento is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches.
Titan (red) is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches. A dark titan appears to smash our dreams and all that we have built.
Work in an office and earn money.
Psi Lessons mk II is a mixed media collage based on old magazine ads I found while hunting for collage materials. It features a powerful blue psychonaut, presumably a graduate of this simple, at home psychokinetic training course. Graduates will learn to solve sex problems, hypnotize birds, and melt minds- among other things, I suppose.
You Don't Know Where I've Been is a 6x8 inch collage on 250 gsm paper. It is matted and framed at 8x10 inches. If you are not careful, or if you are unlucky, you may end up in dark and strange places.
The day of reckoning will come! Papa John has finally consumed enough pizza through occult rituals to become a demon.
Papamet II is a mixed media collage, based on the Éliphas Lévi depiction of Baphomet. It is a more colorful version of the previous Papamet, hand-colored with acrylic inks. This is original art, made with cut paper- it is not a print. It is approximately 6.38 x 8.25 inches on 250 gsm stonehenge paper, and has a deckle edge.
This is a power animal, for people who want a strong power animal. Skills are mostly PHYS boosts and buffs.
It was in the show SUBTERRANEAN SIDEWALKS, KCMO, 2019
Mixed media collage, 6x8 inches on 250 gsm Stonehenge paper.
Mixed media collage, compiled digitally, 2019
Originally conceived as a green demon, this one went through some modifications, but I kept the name. Part of a triptych of demons I created in 2019.
Part of the so-called “bro” series, as they were dubbed by artist Jeremy Boatright. Each bro is surrounded by the things that interest or represent them. 2019
Designed as a poster, and primarily a reminder to myself- It’s important to do the work. I need constant reminders. The “sketch” for this one was just a red triangle in a blue field. Collage is fun like that. This won in Creative Quarterly no. 56 (illustration). 2019
A favorite of mine, handsome boy walks his dog on a nice day. This one will be published in Creative Quarterly #53, early 2019.
This is the ORIGINAL handsome boy.
Trump rolls out the red carpet/his tie for his BFF, Putin. I appreciate governance by trolling, but on this scale, it’s to the detriment of things going “ok” in the world. Admittedly, I am tired of this sack of shit, he’s a con man. 2019.
A Zardoz illustration. Zardoz is a 1974 John Boorman movie starring Sean Connery. A famous “bad movie.” Not one I’d necessarily recommend, though.
I can’t believe they asked me to design the poster, this was a rad experience :D
Part of the so-called “bro” series, as they were dubbed by artist Jeremy Boatright. Each bro is surrounded by the things that interest or represent them. 2019
Thank Satan It’s Friday
A necromancer summons spirits to feed his dark god.
Mock cover made for the Penguin Classics book Life is a Dream, 2017.
Honorable mention winner, 3x3 International no. 14
Censorship Illustration, 2018
Away from the monsters, I spend the night thinking about whispers.
I have been wandering back to a place of strange spirits.
I'll fill in the other eye when he's disgraced, penniless, and in jail.
Trump Ghoul, 2018
Sleep deprivation is no good. 2018
Riffing on Trump on a Sunday afternoon, 2018
Those who forego their humanity are little more than monsters, 2018
Editorial illustration based on a NY Times article about Trump and his feud with the courts, 2017.
Honorable Mention, 3x3 International no. 14
2 page spread made for Shortstack #1: Origins, 2017. The witch summons a demon, and the pact is made.